Benefits of Raw Pet Food

The pet food industry is largely unregulated, meaning companies can create and package formulas from whichever ingredients they choose, including soy, processed grains, lentils, artificial colours and preservatives, potatoes, and more. Pets are unable to digest most of these ingredients, leading to digestive complications, weight gain, illness, and other health conditions. Raw pet food provides the key nutrients your pet needs to thrive.




Kibble is entirely processed and comprised of a long list of ingredients, most of which can’t be digested by your pet. In contrast, our raw pet food consists of 100% Canadian meat without any additives, preservatives, or fillers.

Raw Pet Food

If your pet is lethargic, over/underweight, or unhealthy, a raw pet food diet includes all the nutrients and minerals they need to improve their health. Benefits include: 

  • Better Digestive Health: Easier digestion means your pets are getting all of their vitamins and minerals naturally—the way mother nature intended!
  • Healthier Immune System: A pet’s immune and digestive systems are linked. When both are functioning at an optimal level, they’ll experience fewer infections, illnesses, and allergies
  • Cleaner Teeth & Gums: The natural enzymes in raw food keep your pet’s teeth and gums cleaner and healthier, so you don’t have to worry about expensive teeth cleaning at the vet. Plus, it’ll reduce bad breath. 
  • Shinier Coat: Raw meat includes important nutrients and fats that promote healthy skin and fur, so your pet will experience less itching and shedding (and you’ll experience fewer allergic reactions to fur and dander!).
  • Better Weight:  If you have an under or overweight pet, feeding a raw food diet can help them achieve a healthy weight which will reduce the risk of diabetes and arthritis. In addition, raw pet food includes ground bones which is a natural source of glucosamine, chondroitin, and collagen—all of which support strong joint health.
  • Healthier Stool: Because your pet is fed a species-appropriate diet, they will absorb all of the nutrients in their food and will no longer need to pass indigestible items. You will notice an approximately 60% reduction in the amount/size of stool. This means less cleanup for you and less odour!

Kibble Pet Food

If you look at the label on your kibble pet food, how many ingredients do you see? Even better, how many of those ingredients can you actually pronounce? Filled with carbohydrates, preservatives, and starches, kibble can create a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Poor Digestion: Kibble is much more difficult to digest because it is completely processed. It also contains synthetic vitamins and minerals that cannot be absorbed efficiently. 
  • Weak Immune System: Allergies in pets are often linked to their diet. Their immune system is fighting without a healthy digestive system, leading to an increase in infections, flare-ups, and more.
  • Unhealthy Teeth & Gums: Some symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system are a foul mouth, tooth plaque, and dark gums. Some kibble companies will offer products or formulas that clean teeth. However, this is a marketing ploy with no substantial research backing up these claims. 
  • Dull Coat: Without the right blend of fats, nutrients, and minerals, your pet’s coat will appear duller. They’ll also be more prone to dry, itchy skin and shedding. 
  • Unhealthy Weight: Kibble contains many high-calorie ingredients that can cause your pet to gain weight, leading to an increased risk of diabetes, arthritis, and expensive joint surgeries.
  • Poor Stool: Kibble is largely indigestible. This means large and smelly stool, because your pet is required to pass useless ingredients out of their system. You may notice that you are feeding 4 cups per day, and cleaning up 2 cups of stool—this tells you something isn’t adding up!

The Diet of Their Ancestors

Regardless of your dog’s breed, they are directly descended from the Canine lupus, otherwise known as the gray wolf. And although they have adapted to display different behaviour, appearances, and variations, they have the same digestive system. In the wild, wolves eat primarily raw meat, including deer, rabbits, moose, bison, fish, and other prey species. 

While some wolves will eat berries and vegetation, this normally only occurs when other meat sources are limited. As such, a wolf’s system is not designed to digest processed food, filler ingredients, and artificial additives.

But Is Raw Pet Food Safe?

All of our raw pet food is human grade. In the manufacturing process, bacteria is safely removed from the meat. This ensures your pet always receives safe and clean meat without the risk of contamination. No heating or cooking is required when preparing your pet’s meal.

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